Getting New Appliances? Here’s Why You Might Need a New Electrical Panel

Getting New Appliances? Here’s Why You Might Need a New Electrical Panel

If you’re thinking about getting new appliances, you’ll need to make sure your home is prepared. One important step in the process is determining if it’s time to upgrade your electrical panel. Depending on the age of your home, the type and amount of appliances you have, and other factors, you may need a new panel before you can safely install and use your new appliances. Here’s what you should know.

What is an Electrical Panel?

An electrical panel is a metal box that contains circuit breakers and fuses that regulate electricity flow throughout your home. It distributes power from either an overhead line or underground line to individual circuits throughout the house so that each room or area has access to electricity for powering lights, outlets, and other devices. The two main types of electrical panels are fuse boxes (older homes) and breaker boxes (newer homes).

Why You Might Need a New Panel

If your home was built prior to 1970, it likely has an outdated fuse box as its primary electrical panel—and that’s not ideal for modern appliances. Fuse boxes are less efficient than breaker boxes since they don’t respond quickly enough to surges in electricity usage like large appliances require. Additionally, most modern homes have several more circuits than older homes do; an outdated fuse box may not be able to handle all the necessary current with multiple high-powered appliances running at once. Finally, if you plan on adding solar energy sources or electric car charging stations to your home, these will also require additional capacity from your electrical panel.

Electrical Panel Upgrades in Space Coast

When it comes to needing an electrician to replace your electrical panel, having an experienced and certified individual do the work can make all the difference. With All Electric Services, the replacement will be done safely and properly. Rest assured that your home or business's electrical system is in tip-top shape– call us at (407) 890-7782 today to schedule service.
